Please visit our Curricula page for specific resources needed by teachers, centers, and groups to offer courses.
Books for Parents
Here are some good books for parents. If you have things to add, email us!
Books for Children
Here are some good books for children. If you have things to add, email us!
Shambhala Books
Smile if You Have To– a book about the history of Sun Camp
Articles and Links
Here are some specific links to various articles about families and children. You can also visit the Shambhala Times, and search for children, parents, or families to see more recent articles!
Families and Children Videos
Visit our youtube channel for an array of videos featuring talks, programs, and vignettes.
Families and Children Audio
Here are some wonderful recordings of talks to children and teens.
Talk to Sangha Children with Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
This talk was given to sangha children in Boulder in 1978. Thanks to the Chronicle Project for archiving it.
Talk to Sangha Teens with Ken Friedman
This talk was given under the direction of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche by Ken Friedman to sangha teens in Halifax in 1980. Thanks to the Chronicle Project for archiving it.